Why geolocation tracking is the future of mobile advertising

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: Go home.

In an ever-increasingly busy global market, it’s becoming more difficult for advertisements to reach target groups. Geolocation tracking, or targeting consumers based on their location or travel habits, is the newest and easiest way to make sure your advertisements are getting to the right people. With few marketers using the available mass amounts of location-based data due to the increase in smart phone use, businesses who begin to utilize this new technology will have a great advantage over their competitors. The following are ways proving geolocation tracking is the future of mobile advertising.


The most obvious benefit of geolocation tracking is the convenience level for consumers. Businesses can now track who is within a certain proximity of their business, and send them coupons and updates via alerts to their smart phones. While less are likely to remember to bring in a paper coupon to a store, an increasing number of customers are using their cell phones to find and use coupons for discounts, customer loyalty, and more. Being able to grab a potential customer’s attention with a simple alert on their phone will greatly increase the chances of increasing a company’s sales.

Third Party Apps

While several types of geolocation tracking require the user download a third party app to receive updates and coupons, many say they are willing to download these apps provided they’re getting a good deal out of it. Businesses can advertise to those within their area each time customers enter a store, or any time a potential customer enters into a competitor’s business. These apps have been well received, with consumers “checking in” to receive discounts and coupons. Making sure customers are comfortable with being tracked and are happy with their rewards will increase business traffic with less effort than ever.

Targeted Identification of Consumers

With geolocation tracking, app developers have the ability to get a real idea of exactly who the target audience will be. If a consumer frequents businesses that are similar to a business being marketed, it is a good indication that an advertisement will probably be well received by the consumer, making him more likely to be interested in the particular business or store. Geolocation tracking as well as monitoring the purchase history (within reason and with consent of consumers) will give the business an idea of exactly who their customer is and exactly how to reach them via advertising. Understanding the target audience ensures advertisements are purposeful and thoughtful vs. random and ineffective.

Social Interaction

Many geolocation-based apps now offer the ability for other people to add their reviews or input about a particular business as well. Imagine a customer walking by a clothing store as an advertisement pops up on their phone, supported by several great comments by fellow consumers supporting the business, as well as maybe a coupon or discount offer. This revolutionary idea now means that customers have even less reason not to stop into places they’ve never heard of or been to before. Using geolocation tracking combined with social aspects ensures the right customers will be reached at the best possible time.

In a new world of fast-paced business and busy consumers, advertising to the right people has never been more difficult. However, through geolocation tracking apps and advertising, marketers have the ability to reach potential customers like never before. Ensuring advertisement is going to precisely the right person at the right time means attracting and keeping more customers on a regular basis. If used properly and respectfully, geolocation tracking is now one of the easiest and most efficient ways to reach consumers on the go.

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