How to Stay Positive When Things Appear Negative

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: Carpe Diem

If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or negative because your job search efforts (or life, in general) doesn’t seem to be exactly where you’d like it to be, it’s utterly important to remain positive, hopeful, and calm.

You really have no other choice.

Being depressed, negative, or pessimistic about the status quo of your life is not going to solve anything. It’s not going to help get your creative energy flowing (that you need to continue to come up with new ideas and solutions). And it’s not going to help you reach your goals (that you need to keep in mind so that you continue to look forward instead of backward).

If you have sent out so many resumes by now that you’ve lost count and can’t remember where you’ve even sent them…

If you feel like a hamster on a little wheel going nowhere – fast…

If you find that napping throughout the day beneath your comforter seems to be more appealing than getting up and going outside into the fresh air…


If you find yourself crying more than laughing…

Here’s what will help (in no particular order since they are all equally important to return joy and faith back into your life):

1) Get organized. Spending half your day looking for the most recent version of your resume on your computer (or where you put that overdue electric bill) can be frustrating and draining. Spend a morning (or however long it takes during a day) to get organized. Having organized surroundings will help organize your thoughts.

2) Do (a little) something toward reaching your goals every day. No matter what your goals are, or how big them seem, do SOMETHING each day toward achieving them. If you’ve been meaning to read that book by Joel Osteen and keep putting it off for when you have time, read a page a day! If you’ve been wanting to get in shape but don’t know where to start, do 5 situps a day. If you want to start your own online business, do something – anything – toward achieving that goal – EVERY DAY. Before you know it, you’ll have read the book, you’ll be able to sport those favorite jeans without holding in your gut to zipper them up, and you’ll have customers calling for your services.

3) Focus on solutions vs. problems. If what you are doing, thinking, talking about, or wasting your time worrying over is NOT helping you to SOLVE your current issues, then let it go and concentrate on things, ideas, and efforts that will help solve the problems instead. You can choose what you allow to take up space in your head.

4) Count your blessings. When you find yourself starting to list what you don’t have or what you haven’t done, count your blessings. You have more blessings in your life than issues.

5) Don’t waste your most valuable commodity – your most important asset – your time. Stop posting every last boring (and TOO personal) minute-by-minute schedule on facebook, stop checking your email throughout the day, stop spending hours playing video games that lead you nowhere, and stop watching TV shows and movies you have already seen. Embrace your day and spend your time wisely – purposefully.

6) Forgive (yourself and others) for what they/you haven’t done or did or said or didn’t say. Let it go. “Fuh getta bout it!”)

7) Pray. Pray to your God. Pray to your Higher Power. Pray to the Universe. Get on your knees and pray. Pray for help. Pray in thanksgiving.

And there you have it. The recipe for joy and serenity in your life. Now, get off the Internet and give someone you love – a hug.

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