Signs You Might Get Fired.

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: The Daily Blog

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to watch a trailer from the movie!
(You can watch it AND still listen to the Indian Chant at the same time!)

While employees at all levels get fired for all sorts of reasons – some of which you will never be told because your former employer doesn’t want to be sued – (these never-disclosed-reasons can include: you’ve gained weight and your appearance is not what it was when they hired you, the boss feels threatened by your success and thinks you might get his job soon, the manager’s cronies don’t like you because you won’t go out with them, you left your underclothing at the last holiday party – you get the idea) – there are some specific warning signs that you can heed to help you be aware of what is going on and what might happen if you don’t take action first.

Here are some signs you might be getting fired:

1) Your company hires someone else to do what you do (they’ve promised to transfer you to some “currently unknown” department. The catch is, they want YOU to train this new person and teach him/her everything – absolutely everything you do. Now, maybe this person is younger than you, maybe she’s the owner’s girlfriend, maybe she will work for less money and benefits than you. Go ahead and train her…but don’t disclose everything – keep some very critical info that you perhaps developed to maintain customer service, for example, and that she’ll just have to figure out on her own some day. Anything that you designed, developed, or created on your own is your intellectual property – any forms you redid, any letterhead you designed, etc. – granted, you created it on your own initiative on company time, but you weren’t asked to do that or get paid to do that. If the idea belongs to you, keep it that way. Don’t share the template.

2) You complain a lot at work to anyone with ears. As long as they are within “ear shot” – your mouth rambles on and on about everyone and everything you hate about your boss, your job, your coworkers. NO ONE wants to hear that – even if they all feel the same way. KEEP IT OUT OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. That’s what gyms, girlfriends, moms, and dogs are for. Tell your complaints to someone outside of your job. Or, better yet, get your resume updated and get the heck out of dodge. Life is FAR TOO SHORT (got that?) to waste ANY energy or time doing a job in an environment you don’t like. You will be fired – sooner or later – for your ceaseless complaints. (Granted, they won’t say they are firing you for that. They’ll say they are downsizing.) If you want to talk about it with others in your field and get some objective feedback, post your comments in our FORUM (to the first 5 people to post in our new forum, we will compeltely rewrite and redesign your current resume for free!)

3) A whole new slew of managers and/or a consulting firm has been brought in to streamline the business. When this happens, everyone’s performance and files are looked at and reviewed for potential firings. Those consulting firms and new managers want to make an immediate impact to the powers that be that hired them – they need to show they are saving money – so they are going to let some people go.

4) They’ve moved your office or space to a less-desireable area (with hopes you’ll just get the hint on your own and quit).

5) Suddenly, after 10 years of employment, they start meticulously watching you like a hawk and formally writing “reports” on you when you make any little slip up. They are building a file against you so that when they finally do give you the boot, they’ll have some ammunition in their backpocket against you.

If you haven’t already done it, rent the movie OFFICE SPACE, it’s hysterical and touches on a lot of key points on this topic in a humorous way.

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