5 Digital Marketing Initiatives to Embrace in 2020

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: Go home.

Whether you’re the hands-on business owner or the multi-hat-wearing office manager helping to keep the business streamlined and organized, consistently providing world-class, exceptional customer service is your ultimate goal.   While referrals from your happy clients are always the best form of advertising, your company’s success and longevity depend heavily on your formal marketing initiatives.  Here is a look at some of the digital marketing strategies you’ll want to incorporate to ensure your business not only ranks high in the search engines, but also attracts the online searchers who could benefit from your services.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content

Adding relevant, current, and reader-friendly organic content to your website on a regular basis is one of the most important digital marketing strategies to implement. Offering high-quality, well-written content for your current clients and potential customers will help to establish you as the “go to” source for information on your industry. Further, by having trusted and relevant content on your website that provides value to its reads, the organic SEO improves your website’s ranking and increases its traffic.


A chatbot is a computer program created for people to carry on a text-based dialogue within a website, on applications, or via instant messaging. It’s an effective marketing tool because it enables companies to attract, retain, and satisfy clients by engaging in conversations with them. Chatbot windows typically appear in the bottom corner of a website or in the center of the website. They give the info-seeking individual the opportunity to do several things, including: provide contact information and obtain more info about a specific product or service that you offer.

Google Ads

Paid for by the individual businesses that want to use this effective option for marketing, Google Ads can drive relevant, quality traffic directly to your website. By ensuring just the right keywords and keyword phrases that are in sync with the services that your company provides, online users will be directed to your blogs, white papers, videos, and other online content you’ve created that addresses the industry-related topics your website’s visitors are seeking.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

While organic SEO marketing will bring online info-seekers to your website, local SEO marketing will bring them to your brick-and-mortar location. By adding the local element to your online content, you are providing a geographical component that differentiates your blog about a particular product, service, or topic from all the other online blogs about the same topic. Search engines favor websites that include trusted and relevant location-centric information in a website’s content.

Email Marketing

Launching an informative, fun, and engaging email campaign that your customers come to rely on is a cost-effective, personalized way to stay connected to your current clients and potential new customers who sign up via your website. While many factors contribute to the success of using email marketing as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll want to make sure that the information you provide in your emails is relevant, interesting, and well-written. In addition, you’ll want to time the delivery of your emails so that they don’t appear just randomly in the recipient’s email box and so that you aren’t sending them too frequently where they lose their value.

As the trends in digital marketing continue to evolve, expand, and improve for 2020, it can feel overwhelming to stay on top of it all. Securing the services of a professional writing company can take the pressure and stress off of you to (try to) create relevant content so that you can focus on your area of expertise – providing exceptional, world-class customer service.