Two choices.

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: The Daily Blog

No matter where you are in life, you have two choices.


No matter what your situation, circumstance, challenge, position, or role – you always have two choices.

If you are unemployed and have been steadfastly searching for work but to no avail, you have two choices.

If you are unhappily employed, but are fearful to quit (for whatever reasons), you have two choices.

If you aren’t sure how you are going to pay next month’s bills (or even finish paying this month’s bills), you have two choices.

If your wife, boyfriend, friend just told you she/he doesn’t want you in his/her life anymore, you have two choices.

If there is something you have to do (a project, write a note, apologize, clean out the closet), you have two choices.

If your dog just muddied your carpet, you have two choices.

No matter where you are, no matter what the storm, no matter what the situation is – you have two choices.

1) ride the downward spiral


2) rise above it

We always have but two choices in life – and both of those stem from our state of mind.

We can freak out; yell; throw things; cuss at the wind; raise our fist to the rain; shout at the storm; hold a grudge; gossip; stay in bed; give up; spend our days lounging like a lizard on the sofa; consume mass quantities of sugar, drugs, alcohol, and self-loathing; stop caring; quit trying; stop thinking creatively; and keep believing self-will is a better driver, architect, or pilot than God’s will. Exist, take up space, complain, whine, and be a problem instead of a solution.


We can figure something else out; try again; get on our knees and pray; stay optimistic; brush ourselves off; help someone else; think positively; act as if, until it is; be creative; take a cat nap; drink water; look up; send a thank you note; be kind to everyone on our life’s path; hug those we love; learn a new game; read a book; listen attentively; stop texting – call; unplug; send another resume; think of something else; do it instead of thinking about it; live – wholeheartedly – every single moment of every single day. Shine.

Which do you choose?